Hebrew gematria involves the practice of assigning numerical value to words or phrases, and calculating their total sum in order to understand their hidden meaning. The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters corresponding to numbers from 1 to 400, and is used in a variety of spiritual practices, including Kabbalah and occult studies. Calculating the gematria of certain words or phrases can help unlock deeper insight into their overall significance and potential spiritual implications.
To start, you must first familiarize yourself with the phonetic sound of each Hebrew letter and numerically associated with it. For example, the first letter in the alphabet—aleph—corresponds to the number one. The second letter—bet—corresponds to two, and so on until you arrive at tav which corresponds to 400.
Next, determine what word or phrase you wish to calculate gematria for. In some cases it may be a personal name or even a single-word mantra such as Simcha (Joy), Schaddai (Almighty) or Rekhem (Compassion). Others may wish to delve into longer passages of scripture looking for deeper meanings.
Once you have determined your word or phrase determine its numerical value by assigning each letter its corresponding Hebrew number. For example the two-letter word 'El' composed of aleph-lemmed would be assigned a numerical value of one plus thirty for a total sum of 31 according to modern day calculation protocols by Jewish cabala scholars. Other letters not found among the standard twenty-two sofit/finish letters are assigned different values based on their context within an invocation spell or prayer offering such as nun-mem-yud (NMY) which is given specific attention for its pronounced aspect quantity attaining 225 numerical value when practically employed in prayer discourse rather than fixed 50 that others assign it otherwise when calculating gematria on written sentence scripts.
Once you have added up all the numerical values associated with your chosen letters/words you should end up with a single digit number representing the total sum which is known as gimatriya/gematria in Hebrew. This single digit number then provides an indication as to what hidden meanings lie beneath your chosen word or phrase; these interesting implications can then be further studied within the context of Jewish Caballa teachings or other religious and spiritual practices that employ this numerical system.
See more about hebrew gematria calculator
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